This page has advice and guidance for parents and carers during coronavirus. It will be regularly reviewed and updated.
Healthier Together:
Advice for parents about what to do if their child is unwell
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has produced guidance for parents and carers about what to do if their child is unwell. Please see the document at the bottom of the page for advice and guidance
Camden Council Weekly update
Please click here to read the most recent weekly update from Camden Council.
Looking after ourselves: advice for young people
There is a lot of uncertainty around the current Coronavirus outbreak, particularly given that the situation is constantly developing and there is still more to learn.
Understandably, this is causing a lot of worry and anxiety for everyone. For some, losing the routine of school and study might feel great in the short-term, but as the situation continues and everyone has to stay at home it is important to look after both our physical and mental health; getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals and doing some physical activity either at home or once a day outside.
Making a schedule and keeping to a routine can help you to maintain a positive mood and feel productive. In this section we have some guidance from Camden to help young people look after themselves in three important areas:
Staying healthy
Now that the whole country is in lockdown and all young people are staying at home and social distancing when outside, it is more important than ever to practise self-care and look after ourselves. Here are some ways to take care of your physical and mental health.
Keeping Connected
Something you might be finding difficult is the idea that you are losing important experiences. Some will be worried about how this outbreak will affect your friendships, education, exams, applications, moving to another school or university or your future in general. It’s important that you take the time to share these worries with those around you. It is likely others are feeling the same and looking for the same opportunity to talk.
Boosting Skills
We have kept you busy with work and learning from home, but you might find yourself with more time on your hands which you could use to start a new hobby or learn about an area you’ve always been interested in. This is also a good time to catch up in a subject, even just a maths app can help you get to grips with those trickier concepts. Luckily the internet is full of resources to learn all kinds of skills or subjects.
Learning a new skill or honing an existing one gives us a sense of purpose and achievement. While we are busy learning, we are less likely to experience anxious thoughts and worries.