The joint council for qualifications (JCQ) has published a series of regulations regarding the conduct of examinations. All students have a responsibility to read them.
Please click here to be taken to the JCQ website.
Under no circumstances are phones allowed in exam rooms, this is regarded as malpractice by the exam boards regardless of intention. Penalty found in possession of a mobile phone but switched off is 0 mark for the paper, phone switched on is disqualification from the exam subject.
To help you, we can send out your timetable by email and send a text reminder, please make sure we have the most up to date email address and mobile phone number for you.
If you arrive one hour after the starting time of your actual exam, you are unlikely to get your exam paper accepted by the exam board. A better chance of getting your exam paper accepted would be for you to be in supervision by a parent/guardian (who has possession of your mobile phone) and for them to escort you to the Exams Officer. This will help demonstrate you have not had any communication or contact with any other candidate.
However for mock exams, if you are later than 15 minutes after the starting time you will not be admitted into the exam room.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – JCQ Exam Contingency means that in the event of national disruption that exams will take place at another time, up to and including Wednesday 26th June 2019. Candidate availability during this time is done so at their own risk, eg. If a candidate goes on holiday before then and this happens they will not be eligible for special consideration.
If you are absent from an exam we will attempt to contact you (providing the details we have for you are current) to find out where you are, and what options you have.
If you have a medical reason / ill-health, you can apply for special consideration but exam board will need supporting medical evidence that lists on it:
You have up to seven days after your last exam in the summer to provide this medical evidence.
If your absence is because of something serious, but not medical please contact the exams officer immediately to find out what options are possible.
These rules apply to all KS4 examinations and above and are derived from the rules for public examinations set by the Joint Council for Qualifications.
Breaking the examination code of conduct is malpractice. The school is obliged to report malpractice to the examination body and the examination body will decide on the penalty.
Be polite to invigilators and fully co-operate. Not following their instructions is malpractice and you could get disqualified for it. Being rude to staff during exams is malpractice and you could get disqualified for it.
Exams in November, January and Summer will be sent in hard copy as a statement of entry to your home address. The dates, times and information on it comes directly from exam boards.
However, if it is useful to you to get your exam timetable (both mock and actual) emailed, and text reminders for upcoming exams, please update your email and phone numbers to make sure we can send them to you.
You can update this information in the following ways:
Online by following this link - /form/?pid=31&form=30
In Person at WES school reception (Year 10/11) / LaSWAP building Centre Manager (Sixth Form)
Exam Clashes
If you are unsure about what to do, please go and see your exams officer or email them.
Year 10/11 if you have an exam clash you will be placed in supervision to enable you to take both exams. While in supervision you will not have access to any revision notes or electronic devices.
Sixth Form if you have an exam clash between centres, then you will be notified by your exams officer at your base school by letter (and email) and you must follow the instructions as to which school you have to attend first, as staffing and supervision has been arranged at that centre and they will be expecting you.
If you break supervision at any point you will not be permitted to finish any of the remaining clash papers