Fundraising for defribrillators for Camden's schools
Rosh Keegan, mother of Ani, a teenager who sadly passed away from sudden cardiac arrest, recently summoned the courage to campaign for the introduction of life-saving heart equipment in schools.
As part of the Ani❤Camden project. Ms Keegan has so far raised £5000 with the Charity, Hand on Heart, so that seven Camden schools can be supplied with defibrillators and essential staff training. She has encouraged local schools to look after one another and raise funds of their own to help install a defibrillator in another Camden school on the same condition.
As part of the campaign, William Ellis School has been nominated to receive a gifted defibrillator unit from the charity, and we now have the opportunity to nominate another link school to receive the same life-saving device.
On Saturday 11th June from 6.30pm-11.00pm, Camden School for Girls will be holding a fundraising event to raise money to provide WES and other Camden Schools with defibrillators. At the event, Ms Keegan will cook a three-course Indian vegetarian supper for 300 people, a silent auction will be held and artwork by Eileen Cooper, Ralph Steadman and “HimBad”, the street artist behind a lot of the recognisable wall murals around Camden Town, will be auctioned.
Please support this event and purchase tickets through the Eventbrite booking page: