William Ellis School is proud to share with you this year’s KS5 results. Two thirds of our students achieved a grade A*-C: cause for celebration indeed, especially as this is a cohort of students whose education has been severely disrupted as a consequence of the recent global pandemic.
20% of exam entries resulted in grades of A* or A, with some students only receiving these top grades: two students achieved 3 A*s: Thomas Cadley (English Literature, History and Politics) Laurie Barr (English Literature, Film Studies and History). Daniel Arkell will be setting off to read for a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University, and Elies Ducluzeau will be studying Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology at King’s College, London, on the basis of his 4 A Levels, 3As and a B.
Our students go on to a wide range of destinations, as should be expected from a comprehensive and inclusive sixth form, and we are equally proud of Oliva Scanlon Sanderson, who achieved 3 As in English Literature, History and Music, and is going to continue her work as a singing teacher while perhaps also training to teach yoga.
50% of our students studying for vocational courses also achieved the top grades of Double Distinctions. Six of our students from the Applied Science course are going on to study Biomedical Sciences and Justin Osei, who achieved a B at Graphics A Level, as well as a Distinction* Distinction in his Applied Science course, is going to study Graphic Branding and Identity at the University of the Arts, London – proving that WES@LaSWAP is truly a place where you can explore many different aspects of your interests, and excel in all!
Well done to all our KS5 students – we are really proud of you, and the work you put in, to achieve the results you have!
For more information, please contact: Flora Wilson, Director of Sixth Form at William Ellis: fwilson@williamellis.camden.sch.uk