The key stage 4 curriuculum for boys in years 10&11 is structured to ensure the boys at William Ellis School enjoy the opportunities allowed by a wide range of optional subjects, and the benefits given to them by the study of mathematics, English, science and at least one modern foreign language. The structure of the curriculum is as set out below and details of the subjects can be found by clicking on the links provided.
The majority of subject areas lead to GCSE qualifications.
Compulsory Subjects
Subject |
Hours Per Fortnight |
9 |
8 |
2 |
9 |
5 (7 for boys studying 2 languages) |
In addition boys choose three subjects from the following list of options. Each optional subject is taught for 5 hours per fortnight.
- Art
- Graphics
- Geography*
- Music
- Travel & Tourism (BTEC)
- Business Studies
- History*
- Physical Education
- Three separate sciences*
- Sociology
- Food Technology
- Computing*
- Drama
- Travel and Tourism (BTEC)
- Economics
- Prince's Trust
Subjects marked with a * are subjects which are included in the "English Baccalaureate"
Current examination boards and specifications used for